Automation vs Augmentation

Produced by DALL-E

”Automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.” Bill Gates

Previously at the Volcano Base, I was getting excited about a few AI projects. Since then, I’m not sure what happened, but I’ve been having a busy time. The pipeline is looking reassuringly cozy, and I’m Geeking Out on the work I’ve been commissioned to do. Yay!

Mission Briefing

Automation vs Augmentation

A false dichotomy

I’ve been scurrying about the volcano base, watching the business world tear itself apart over automation versus augmentation. It’s like watching two groups argue whether a knife is for cutting or slicing. adjusts volcano temperature controls

For most of us mere mortals, automation IS augmentation. I learned this the hard way when I tried to track my business expenses manually using a spreadsheet and a quill pen (for theatrical effect). After three months of questioning my life choices, I automated the process. Did this diminish my accountancy skills? No, it augmented my ability to actually run my business without drowning in receipt purgatory.

The historical perspective nobody asked for

Remember those 19th century farm hands who were “replaced” by machinery? Society didn’t collapse. Instead, people moved on to different roles, often (but not always) involving less backbreaking labour. Though I imagine the transition conversations were about as comfortable as my annual performance review with the volcano’s AI system.

The real question isn’t whether to automate or augment. It’s about understanding where technology can remove friction from your work while enhancing your capabilities. For instance, I use AI to draft initial proposals, but I still personally add the unwelcome witticisms and animated gifs. Because I enjoy that part. You’ll find your own sweet spot.

What you can actually do about this

Take an hour this week to audit your regular tasks. Create two columns: “Things I do repeatedly that drain my soul” and “Things where my human touch actually matters.” Start automating the first column, but be cautious about the second. And please, unlike me, don’t try to automate your bathroom processes. I’m still cleaning up that particular experiment.

Classified Intel

Some interesting stuff I discovered on my adventures.

Perplexity Browser - Comet

Perplexity has launched a waitlist for Comet - “a browser for agentic search”. It’s not clear what that really mens yet because they haven’t shared any details. The implication is that the browser will not only make use of Perplexity’s AI search functions but because they say it’s “agentic”, it will also be able to complete tasks for the user. What and how remains to be seen.


The next generation of Amazon’s voice assistant launches next month in the US. Not sure when it’ll be available in the UK. Expect it to be much more useful than the current Alexa because the underlying AI is a weird hybrid of Claude and Amazon’s Nova models. If you have Amazon Prime, it’ll be a free upgrade for your Amazon devices. “Alexa, make me £1000 please”.

GPT 4.5

Announced yesterday, 4.5 is a preview model from OpenAI. As well as general performance enhancements across science, maths and coding, a notable feature of 4.5 appears to be it’s increased EQ: it’s better at understanding what humans really want, and has more empathy, being a better conversationalist.

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Automation vs Augmentation
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Automation vs Augmentation